Tuesday, June 18, 2019

My Pocket Knife Proved Advantageous Against An Attacker

I work in a cell center which often closes later in the night. I often get back home at 2am. Goodness me, the atmosphere seems so scary at that time. Since I have been attacked a couple of times, my fear has skyrocketed. But to some extent, I have managed to overcome this fear, thanks to my pocket knives which has let me survive the attack that could have finished me. I still remember that worst night of my life when I was attacked by a criminal. I am not sure what his purpose of attack was, but I am just thankful to myself and my pocket knife that let me escape the danger and get back home safe. 

Since that day, I have been carrying my pocket knife whenever I leave home. To all the readers, I suggest never go outside unequipped, rather, get a folding knife in your pocket so that you have every chance to survive these random attacks. The story of the attack that was launched on me by someone worth sharing. So, here I am sharing my personal story that discloses how my pocket knife proved advantageous against the attacker. It gets started when:

The Attacker Arrives!

As I was coming back home after a hectic day at work, I saw someone marching towards me. At first glance, it looked as if a worker like me was rushing to his home. So, I kept walking. He was gradually coming closer and closer, and my innate fear began enhancing. Finally a point came where he was right in front of me. Now, I realized that I have landed in trouble. I was sensing the trouble as my heartbeat sped up dramatically. I could see attacker right next to me looking at me like he was about to kill me. 

The First Attempt by the Attacker

The intentions of the attackers were clear. He realized how fearful I was at that time. So, his confidence grew while I was worrying a lot. So, he stepped towards me and eventually started delivering some punches. It was like a brawl, but the attacker was dominating. I thought that he ma snatch my mobile and money, and then walk away. But, that wasn’t the case. He was rather focusing on injuring me significantly. I was unsure what was coming my way. So, I needed to be very careful in this situation. 

The first attempt by the attacker was a dangerous one. His intentions were clear that he just wanted to inflict some injuries on me. However, I am not too sure whether he wanted to take my money and mobile away. As he suddenly attacked, I panicked and could not handle the situation. It seemed as if I lose my senses for a split of a second. Of course, it is hard to be in your senses in such a threatening scenario. He delivered some punches on my face and belly. I felt some pain, but thankfully recovered in time because no severe injury was caused. 

The Pocket Knife Comes to the Rescue

Searching for a way out of this brawl, I put my hands on the pocket knife I had placed in my pocket. I pushed the button, while it was already in the pocket, to open the blade. The blade deployed at once. Now, I was ready to pull out the knife and launch a counter-attack on him. But, I tried to be smart, so I never showed that I have a weapon in my pocket. I was looking to surprise him. So, I pulled out the blade rapidly and struck into his leg. He was amazed to see what happened to his leg. Blood started pouring out, imagine how forcefully the blade hit him and how serious the injury was! The blade of the knife looked red as well. The blood could be seen on the blade. That day, I realized how a blade penetrated deep into the body and damages everything. 

Thankfully, I Survived!

Realizing that the attacker would now come even harder, I decided to inflict another injury. But, he was seriously hurt that it was hard for him to even walk straight. He was soon down, so I decided not to go for another strike. However, I was never so stupid to remain there. Hence, I quickly rushed to my home thanking my pocket knife that let me survive a harsh attack.It allowed me to turn that night into a memorable one by saving my life. I am as much thankful to myself as to my pocket knife. If I was not skilled enough to use the knife, I would have never survived. So, my hard work and practice on learning and using the knife paid off that night. 

What If I never had the Pocket Knife?

As I think about that night, I become more grateful to my pocket knife. But, what if I did not have the knife? My heartbeat still picks up pace when I rethink what I did on that night, especially when I think about not having my knife that day. If I did not have a pocket knife, I was guaranteed severe injuries at the hands of the attacker. Also, it could be the final night of my life. But, thankfully, this wasn’t the case. Perhaps, this is the reason I always carry a folding knife with me whenever I leave my house.